Course Details

by The Be W.I.S.E Initiative

Science Decathlon

4.8 231

Science Decathlon is an after-school club in which students who are passionate about the sciences can come together, and compete in 12 scientific events, which consist of both build and study events. In build events, students are required to prepare an object, such as a plane, that meets certain build requirements and can complete certain designated tasks, and this built object is taken to compete against the other elementary schools in their respective district. In study events, students gain an understanding of a specific Science Decathlon event and create either a cheat sheet or a binder for their aid when competing. Overall, this year long process of preparing, studying, and competing in Science Decathlon helps students develop teamwork and will prepare them and expose them to future STEM careers.

The 2019-2020 Elementary Division events are as follows on March 21st,2020 we will be conducting an Olentangy district competition:

Experimental Design : Create a lab based on a given problem and then write a lab report off of the lab and results you obtained.

Bridges : Build a straw bridge to hold a certain amount of weight.

Harnessing the Wind : Build a wind powered car and test it against other schools to see whose went the farthest.

Catapult Catastrophe : Launch Gummy Bears with a pre-built catapult.

Mission Possible : Construct and test a Rube Goldberg Machine.

Write it/ Do it : Write about a certain diagram and then have your partner recreate he diagram using only the instructions written by your other partner. Herpetology : Identification of lizards, frogs and other amphibians.

Clay boats : Construct boats made of clay and hold a certain number of pennies before your boat sinks.

Spell the Spells of Science : Correctly spell different scientific words like the Spelling Bee.

Cooling the Cubes of Science : Build a contraption to keep ice cubes cold and keep it from melting.

Chemistry Lab : Answer questions about a lab demonstration.

Egg Drop Soup of Solid : Build a contraption to keep an egg drop breaking.