The Be W.I.S.E Initiative

Our goal is to inspire and facilitate the boys and girls of the next generation to develop a passion for STEM based majors both here in the United State and Internationally, using our proprietary method, known as The W.I.S.E Method.
Start learning from our experts

Start learning with our Chief Scientists

Enhance your skills with us now

Enhance your child’s skills with us now


Inspired Girls 4864

It’s all about understanding each child and maximizing their knowledge base.

Benefits of learning with The Be W.I.S.E Initiative

The Be W.I.S.E Initiative is all about inspiring the women of tomorrow. Our goal is to nurture women’s passion in science and engineering at a young age so that as they get older, they will feel more connected and represented in the field of engineering. Although we realize that each child is different and unique in their own way, so that’s why with the power of psychology we have created a proprietary learning platform that appeals to all children.
Professional<br> Courses


Live<br> Learning


Expert<br> Teachers

Expert Chief

The Pionners of tomorrow’s future

These changemakers are not only paving a path for future generations, but are also breaking the societal codes that pull oppotunites away from women, by spreading The Be W.I.S.E Intiaitve’s powerfull message.